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From:Rajnai Almos
Date:06 Apr 00 at 14:03:38
Subject:stack problems Re: Odp: Re: PPC Crashes when Multitasking


> That is the Microsoft(C)(R)-way-of-solving-problems(TM). I usually have a
> lot of shells open(around 10), so that is not a good solution. Especially
> since maybe only one of those 10 may need more than the 16kb, which is the
> default here.

That is true, it isn't possible any better solution? Eg. at the
startup each program raises its stack, if it is too low. I saw
programs that could do that, of course there can be some problems
with PPC programs, AFAIK PPC stack determined somehow from the 68k
stack, isn't it?

BTW I don't know anything about the stack raising. (Maybe allocated
the programs itself or... I don' know.)


Almos Rajnai

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